1. A Voice From Catland [00:19] 2. Steven And I In The Field Of Stars [02:54] 3. The Teeth Of The Winds Of The Sea [07:13] 4. Moonlight, You Will Say [05:17] 5. Into The Bloody Hole I Go [00:58] 6. The Darkly Splendid World [00:49] 7. The Cloud Of Unknowing [07:25] 8. Let Us Go To The Rose [05:14] 9. All The World Makes Great Blood [03:53] 10. The Great, Bloody And Bruised Veil Of The World [04:15] 11. Into The Menstrual Night I Go [01:12] 12. Dormition And Dominion [06:17] 13. So: This Empire Is Nothing [01:06] 14. This Shining Shining World [02:49]