Summi regis cor, aveto, te saluto corde laeto, te complecti me delectat et hoc meum cor affectat, ut ad te loquar, animes
Per medullam cordis mei, peccatoris atque rei, tuus amor transferatur, quo cor tuum rapiatur languens amoris vulnere
Viva cordis voce clamo, dulce cor, te namque amo, ad cor meum inclinare, ut se possit applicare devoto tibi pectore
You have wounded my heart, my sister, my bride, You have wounded my heart (Song of Songs 4:9)
Heart of the highest king, I greet You, I salute You with a joyous heart, it delights me to embrace You and my heart aspires to this: that You move me to speak to You
Through the marrow of my heart, of a sinner and culprit, may Your love be conveyed by whom Your heart was seized, languishing through the wound of love
I call with the living voice of the heart, sweet heart, for I love You, to incline to my heart, so that it may commit itself to you in the breast devoted to You.