One day your story will be told beneath the likes of your ___ fate. One day they'll make you glorious, one of the lucky ones who's made his name. (X2)
I hope you can sleep through the nightmares. The truth is I can't because of you and your ___ quite the show, all that for 19 dollars and a cold. My back to the wall, a knife to my throat, scared that my life could be over with a slice. Hands in my pocket, wallet out my jeans. Robbed of my jacket, tangled in my sleeves. Knuckles on my cheeks, steps on my spine. Grunts while they punch, laughs while I cried. An I cried like a child, my dignity stripped with my ___. Bet you are proud of your glorious self. Now we both have a story to tell, you can tell yours with a smile. I get to see mine every night I close my eyes.
One day your story will be told beneath the likes of your ___ fate. One day they'll make you glorious, one of the lucky ones who's made his name.
I hope you can sleep through the nightmare, cause the truth is I can't. It all happened so fast, all I did was walk. Minding my business, silent innocent. You and your boy had another plan for me, an a reputation to build. You can see the weakness in my steps, it was right when you guessed that I was no fighter. I could've been but Find more similar lyrics on I wasn't, you took the risk an I was left bloody. I was bruised while you bragged to your buddies "the weeds on me" paid with my 20. You reanact the scene for your boys, imitating my cries from punches thrown they beg "please tell the story Once more" while I'm too afraid to walk out my front door.
One day your story will be told beneath the likes of your ___ fate. One day they'll make you glorious, one of the lucky ones who's made his name.
I hope you can sleep through the nightmare, the truth is you have no clue. I bet you don't even remember me, I'm one amongst many of your memories. It's hard work robbing kids of their confidence, it's impossible to remember every pocket picked. Every Tear on the sidewalk, every kid fearing for their life but, believe me Everyone of us remembers you, we all try to forget but we never do. We'll forever see that moment that you let us through. To forgive is not something we intend to do, you turned our shadows into monsters. For the chain, a jacket an some dollars. I hope you can sleep through the nightmare, cause I can't. Thanks, goodnight.
One day your story will be told beneath the likes of your ___ fate. One day they'll make you glorious, one of the lucky ones who's made his name.