Using a pair of poultry shears Cut off the front behind the eyes That kills the crab but who cares, it anyway dies. When you boil it you probably dont hear the cryes.
Can you find the eternity In those compound black holes Like Holmes for the sake of diversity Robbed a random chosen souls
Say ooohm. And keep calm. Like the ones who were captured the gun to the head calling the families To tell them they are not coming home.
Please, follow my lead For a second imagine that you are a clock A regular watch Counting the numbers The rest of the world you can easily block.
Ok here we go
One. Two. Three. Four.
Please, keep going while I am here on the floor Dont listen to me or the musical flow Breathe. And please, do not stuck. Forget about everything you are the clock.
Nope, I am not a pope Pointless preaching is not what i brought. But i want you to count, please start again If you was interfered by your sly noisy thought
They are stuck in my brains Like grains or grapes it pains to clear the stains It doesnt go away and it stays And after is followed by other crazy trains Making pulse all my veins
Oh, are you still here? Are you able to hear Or as i asked, you are still a mechanism Counting and counting Following method is
Called meditation. Or at least i was told that crap. Remeber the crab? This creature is always clean on the mind Even when felt in a trap
What is your count? Probably more than a crab had for his life, right? But it doesnt need any special trick To make the nightmares gone during the night.