when he awoke on the side of the road his angel was nowhere in sight just him and the gun he remembered to load and the sunshine that laughed at his life
keep on rolling you don't want to go home you're running out of time keep on rolling no one's waiting at home there's nothing to lose you can't find
not even a note on the side of the bed where he used to kiss her good night the scent of her soul was all that she left he had nothing in him to find
keep on rolling you don't want to go home you're running out of time keep on rolling no one's waiting at home there's nothing to lose we can't find
heaven can wait for the storm to blow by no bully will send in a gun the river is thirsty and your way to try crying alone in the sun
she slipped alone inside the box hoping he would find it that day she said I want to come home now don't change the locks but heaven just couldn't wait Read more at http://www.songlyrics.com/dana-fuchs/keep-on-rollin-lyrics/#RFrbkIghKrpUEIu3.99