One, two, three, four, Join the Marching Jobless Corps! No work in the factory, No more manufacturing. All the tools are broke and rusted, Every wheel and window busted. Through the city streets we go Idle as a CEO, Idle as a CEO.
One, two, three, four, Join the Marching Jobless Corps! We don’t have to pay no rent Sleeping in a camping tent. Dumpster diving don’t take money, Every bite we share with twenty. Let the yuppies have their wine, Bread and water suit us fine, Bread and water suit us fine.
One, two, three, four, Join the Marching Jobless Corps! Worked and paid our union dues, What did years of that produce? Houses, cars and other shit For the riches' benefit. What do workers get for pay? Hungry, broke and thrown away, Hungry, broke and thrown away.
eyns, tsvey, dray, fir, arbetsloze zenen mir! nisht gehert khodoshem lang in fabrik dem hamerklang, s’lign keylem kalt fargesn, s’nemt der zhaver zey shoyn fresn. geyen mir arum in gas vi di gvirim pust un pas, vi di gvirim pust un pas.
eyns, tsvey, dray, fir, arbetsloze zenen mir! yorn lang gearbet shver un geshaft alts mer un mer hayzer, shleser, shtet un lender far a heyfele farshvender, undzer loyn derfar iz vos? hunger, noyt un arbetsloz. hunger, noyt un arbetsloz.
One, two, three, four, Pick yourselves up off the floor! Unemployment marches on, So we’ll sing a marching song For a land, a world of justice, Where no cop or boss can bust us. There’ll be work for every hand In a new and better land, In a new and better land.
eyns, tsvey, dray, fir, ot azoy marshirn mir! arbetsloze trit nokh trit zo mir zingen zikh a lid far a land, a velt, a naye, vu es lebn mentshn fraye, arbetsloz iz keyn shum hand in dem nayem frayn land, in dem nayem frayn land.