Hmm...well it seems that the new boy has misgivings. Finding the paradise has left him unimpressed (or so it seems) He doesn't seem to realize what a lucky boy he is Or the single greatest attribute that we here all possess.
That special thing of which I speak is only the most important quality Surely without which we would not be free Now I ask you boy, what can this thing be? Hear me now, we call it loyalty!
Loyalty! Have you ever heard of that, Jimmy old bean? Loyalty! And by crikey, we've got plenty of that here, don't we lads? We stick together!
The only rule that really counts Comes right from the heart and can't be taught in school (don't you know?) And it is more than just an attitude (much more). Can't be bought or sold Doesn't grow on trees Hear me now we call it loyalty!
Loyalty! To our greatest land of lands, Philedelphia. And all it represents! And what boy wouldn't give his right arm for a taste of the freedoms we possess!?
A life without adults and all the misery they bring The painful task of growing up is just a memory We've everything we could desire, but most importantly We've got a bond that links us all We've got our loyalty!
Never let it be said that we aren't true to the end! We would all rather die than to betray our friends! For loyalty is pride you see, and pride is everything! Cry to the world that was made from scratch From the very fabric of our dreams (Or have you forgotten Jimmy?)
And is this not your dream come true Is this not in fact your lifelong fantasy (Isn't it?) Is it too much to ask one simple thing? All that we require In this dream of dreams All we ask of you is loyalty!