The heroes and ghosts will last for a long time Eternity smiles and moves away, The song on the singers lips' such a bad rhyme It fades as the night will fade to day And it goes on, and on, and on.
Well the Queen of the night, well she was doing alright, It was only part of the game, And the Bishops' men were were sayin' the kids are insane, But they'll get it all the same. With a castle made of sand, gettin' out of hand They were struggling to make ends meet. While the knights of the stage led their hopeless crusade, And between them all the show was complete.
(Chorus) In our head, and our hearts, we had music and thats a start. And Stars like dust like misplaced trust Lay scattered along the road, And tomorrow filled with sorrow We'll carry our heavy load, And all that was meant to be, like pawns in eternity, to Kings in our own time. But things that we used to say, But that we yesterday, Now we're doing fine.
Rough justice, you may be right, but maybe you can understand, Cos what the record men say, about the way that we play, "Well, it's just another Rock and Roll band, You'd better come back in twelve months time and we can see what we do" But night after night, with the cats eyes burning, We knew that some day we'd break through.