Ien gammel ask - hang en Nåkald gubbe Under en Svart himmel - hvorfra Regnet fosset ned Ingen for dithen - for a hugge liket ned For ingen kunne vite - hvorhen hengingen fant sted
Ensom mann han var - Da han dro til Valfars plass Han ankom iført Brynje - til et storslatt Grimt Palass Tusen år var gatt - siden forrige mann kom dit De gråt av Dyster glede - da en sønn kom endelig
Nor for det Trolske gapet - var en Tåkeheim dypt ned Rekker av Nors sønner - vandret dithen nor og ned Ingen manglet Grav - og ingen manglet sønner For de for av elle og sott - dit til Kuldeheimens senger
Kun få av vaktens barn - kom til Farens rike råd for listig svik blandt dem - førte flestemann dypt ned Dog kan man høre sangen - hver en Hedensk gammel høytid For ja enna festes det - blandt De Trofaste Ods Sønner ******************************** IN A HALL WITH PORK AND MEAD
In an old ash hung a nosecold man. Under a black sky from where the rain poured down. None went thither to cut the corpse down, For no one could know whereat the hanging took place.
Lonely man he was when he went to Allfather's place, he arrived clothed in a body armour to a marvellous, grim palace. A thousand year had passed since last man went thither, They cried in a gloomy happiness when at last a son there came.
North of the trolly cape was a place of mist far down. Rows of Norse sons wandered thither north and nie. None in lack of grave and none in lack of sons, For they went by fire and pestilence there to the beds of the coldhouse.
Only few of the guardian's children came to the rich row of their father, For cunning deceit bore most of them far down. Yet one can hear the song each heathen old feast Aye! still the feasts are held among the faithful sons of Od.