(Transilvanian Hunger) As Flittermice As Satans Spys
As Flittermice As Satans Spys
Flittermice of Eld Unveiled at the plenilune Fordone by Mournful rest now seeking to be fed again Rising terrestrial power umbraged by celestial light That Shineth Forth from the palace of god - the palace of no return
Flittermice of Eld they peer into the morrows, They peer the yesteryears as those are coming back Beholding the son recrucified, beholding gods race browbeaten, Beholding the Devastation of all morals built by them
Flittermice of Eld they fly to blaspheme yehova and to build their Temple of the Damned on once holy pleasure ground
A Fare to Raise the Flag of Satan, to disseminate the races, To build the Hall of Battle and to live in Eternal Strife
Flittermice came forth from the land beyond the forest Multifarious Winged Black Creatures slew the angels up so high
Devastation, Blasphemy, Desecration
Unholy He who Burned the face of god with the Eye of Our Master