I have this moment received your dear letter and am delighted to hear that you are well and in good spirits. Madame leutgeb has laundered my nightcab and neck-tie, but I should like you to see them! Good God! I kept on telling her, ‘ Do let me show you how she ( my wife) does them!’- But it was no use. I am delighted that you have a good appetite- but whoever gorges a lot, must shit a lot- no, walk a lot, I mean. But I should not like you to take long walks without me. I entreat you to follow my advice exactly, for it comes from my heart. Adieu-my love-my only one. Do catch them in the air- those 29991/2 little kisses from me which are flying about, waiting for someone to snap them up. Listen, I want to whisper something in your ear- and you in mine- and now we open and close our mouths-again-again and again-at last we say: ‘It is all about Plumpi- Strumpi-‘ Well, you can think what you like- that is just why it’s so convenient. Adieu. A thousand tender kisses.