In firmament as in aether, across the myriad planes in times before and after the formation and dissolution (of all) Thirst for the tempting waters of wisdom's bottomless well (driven by chaos in one’s soul) drive wanderers to that secret orbit, thrice blessed, thrice profaned (horned and hallowed) Onwards, unto Heliopolis!
Across kingdoms of shells. (Impotent qliphotic residue) Eldritch planes and mountains of initiation. (Aethyr and Abigneus) Beyond deserts of dispersion unto the hellish core. (The triad beyond the abyss) Few are chosen to wander the coils of the bronzed serpent (The eternal dragon) To find their balance on the razors edge.
The earnest aspirant, the moving omphalos, will find no rest from the path that chose him. No respite, but a guide, Let the ibis descend, oh Trismegistos! Let the ape hail the sun. oh Trismegistos!
Lord of secret arts and words. self-spawned and hornless. impart thine words to the weary traveller, crowned king of transgression!