The famine is overhelming in Colombia On the cold streets in 1957 Betrayed and left to be sodomized A surreal state of appaling life
Prison Illusions swept away Anger In enormous dimensions Revenge For raping one's mind for ever Emptiness Apocalyptic sense of hate in his appearance
Over the edge of tolerance No one is safe from the terror
Floods unvocering cadavers of missing persons Rotten so bad that there's no chance to know how they died Putrefaction caused by sewage And the next victim waiting for
The sunrise of Ambato Staring to the eyes And strangling to death
The monster of the Andes And his massive killing capacity
The divine moment of suffocation Would be a waste in darkness The spark of life suddenly disappears For one's gratification
Mass grave Feasting among the dead Alive One is still breathing 5 Minutes to die Hell (on earth) She is a part of a morbid circus
Over the edge of tolerance No one is safe from the terror
Floods unvocering cadavers of missing persons Rotten so bad that there's no chance to know how they died Putrefaction caused by sewage And the next victim waiting for
The sunrise of Ambato Staring to the eyes And strangling to death
The monster of the Andes And his massive killing capacity