I wish I was rhinoceros Then I would be born with badass facial horn And your frightened screaming Would gratify my hearing
It's not a big deal to be someone's ideal You just need to be something surreal But don't you dare cross the border line of this Universe.
It isn't illegal to be something bad The size only matters (Ha-ha, that's what she said! (How did you know?)) This stall's for you if you're an attentive horse *beep-beep* My senensors've located the break in our universe.
Our universe... What have you done... No, my hand's ain't shaking... It's because the WHOLE FUCKING WORLD IS EARTHQUAKING!
Run, Lola, or, Lola, better fly! Save, Lola, your honor- from the -y! x2
If not you won't able to use your main privelegy.
Oh anyways you always can Go on hating yourself! But in this case no one can give you any help. x2
P.S. SMS me if you have PMS.
Prices are quite stable: Eternal optional suffering for one-two tiny moments Of doubtful happiness. What will you choose, Glissando to the ninth ring of hell Or like Fortunato being walled-up well?
Geographical tregedy, Physiological drama Are solvable undoubtly But you blame your papa and mama.
I'm looking for an individual But I only find clusts They are ununitable Like queen of spades and jack of hearts.
If you need to grow a do want You just have to seed a fuck!
Thoughts that happen in two hearts Could be surprisingly simmilar Mark together all those parcillational dots And you will see something more than just curvilinear
Don't hurry up, beware of counterfeit This love puzzle is about to be matched If love is a magic then friendship is witchcraft So don't mix up charming with being bewitched
Poetry is an uncharitable deal But it is however only magic that works So write down the portal of what do you feel You are awaited in the new world by folks!
If it happened to you to get caught by this cuff Just recall all the road down the sleeve: And all of your fears will like *puff-puff-puff!* Cuz' I've took care of the real one Bro This is why I have, Why I have to leave.