Morality's strained When no one is taking the blame We call each other insane They're gonna do it again to get away With this... ... Impossible gamble, a calamity jungle When humanity strangles The insanity spirals
Repeat once more To see if miracles happen again Blindfolded truth Through decades Buried and pushed away Soon to come alive
A bleak vision Obvious but ignored Facing the echoes The fake smile stays on When decisions never come we go on Facing the echoes With fake lives we carry on
Blinded by faith in what is going to break We will repeat our mistakes If we don't spot what is fake We're lead astray
From obvious signs Denied by devious minds They say it's still undefined You've got to wait for tomorrow
Repeat once more To see if miracles happen again Blindfolded truth Through decades Buried and pushed away Soon to come alive
A bleak vision Obvious but ignored Facing the echoes The fake smile stays on When decisions never come we go on Facing the echoes With fake lives we carry on
A bleak vision Obvious but ignored Facing the echoes The fake smile stays on When decisions never come we go on Facing the echoes With fake lives we carry on