(In the wake of what's to come, more than one oracle in history point to a single date. We are the last generation to exist before the war. An ancient culture has predicted the date without any form of denial or doubt.)
Before the arrival of unmanifested worlds Nothing exists but night and silence In the unending vast yawning void Gods are withdrawn in their supernal spheres Space and time are mere abstractions Matter is nonexistent in the Absence of any organized Vitality Time was not lying asleep in Infinite Duration The mighty winter and long cold night Of nonbeing Realm of the fire melts the distant masses Forming vapor in the void The rivers of lives will embody Untouched worlds No elements, no forms, no times Yet to condense from primordial nebula The dust of dead antecedent stars The gaping abyss is alone Overtones vibrate throughout sleeping shelves of space Protosubstance becoming Orgalmer From the giants flesh planets were born Raging seas of his blood From his bones mountains rise Creative process of progressive manifestation Marks the feeding of the tree of life The three have connotation Of power to control Officiating at the rites of procreation And bringing death by withdrawing consciousness From the spheres of being The rivers kingdoms pursue Their courses of embodiment Through the agents of creation and destruction The souls past decides Judgment of its inner God Domains now form Existence reveals Energy which travels through Waters of space And its place in the many layered regions of the dead As humans will be born So the threat to us is formed In infinite space breeds A multiple of new seeds In regions of the universe will live rancorous beings Set to subjugate The Vervum they will seek For the power struggle to control destiny