O braided dusks of the oak and woven shades of the vine while the riotous noon-day sun of the june day long did shine
You held me fast in your heart I held you fast in mine while the riotous noon-day sun of the june day long did shine
Beautiful glooms soft dusks in the noon-day fire wildwood privacies closets of lone desire chamber from chamber parted with wavering arras of leaves cells for the passionate pleasure of prayer to the soul that grieves
And when terror and shrinking and dreary unnamable pain drew over me out of the merciless miles the merciless miles of the plain
Oh now unafraid I am fain to face that sweet face of space the vast sweet face of space
To the edge of the wood I am drawn to the edge of the wood I am drawn where the gray beach glimmering runs as a belt of the dawn where the gray beach glimmering runs as a belt of the dawn