to you not to rescue millions of people before baby faces you hammer a door my ears are stuffed up in language sharp poison in blood radiation not criminal my hell
in depths of the woods the death hides in others heads elastic lash in black the pool conceals torture and pain in this Drumm everyone plays a role here
in a subsoil of mother the kid decays without mercy lying in the kotokombakh you for fear shout you rush trying to keep yourself but alas for you the deadly thread trudges
though where escape the death will overtake you you fall on a floor a cage destiny you shout, you tear clothes, tears and sweat I choked with blood with you will departure that instant where you could escape but alas to you not to escape any more
air gets breakthroughs, I accept asthma as an exit dry fingers injure skin, eyes were blinded heart fights quicker, knees lie too low to rise