Lies, manipulation, deceit A cruel form of fictitious reality Only increased interest in the given things Leads to awakening and discloses the fallacy We are forced by some to think The only truth-seekers are religious freaks But those underlie pulsing filth of this world! They were brought by those Who brought the reign Your miserable education, the bank cartels The rulers don't care about you and your family I DON'T KNOW WHAT GOD IS BUT I KNOW WHAT GOD IS NOT! All they have ever cared about Is how to overrule this hatred world We were led astray from the real Presence of the ABSOLUTE universe Presence of Gaia int the universe I DON'T KNOW WHAT GOD IS BUT I KNOW WHAT GOD IS NOT! The more you learn The more you begin to see And things apparent Become the fallacy What you're about to discover Is flirting with ABSOLUTE justice Because THE TRUTH will set us free!