I had a true love if ever a girl had one I had a true love a brave lad was he One fine Easter Monday with his gallant comrades He started away for to make Ireland free
[R]For all around my hat I wear a tri-coloured ribbon, oh All around my hat until death comes to me And if anybody's asking me why do I wear it It's all for my own true love I never more will see
He whispered "Goodbye love, old Ireland is calling High over Dublin our Tri-colour flies In the streets of the city the foe man is falling And wee birds are whistling "Old Ireland arise"
In praying and watching the dark hours passed over The roar of the guns brought no message to me I prayed for Old Ireland, I prayed for my lover That he might be safe and Old Ireland be free
The struggle was ended, they brought me the story The last whispered message he sent unto me "I was true to my land, love, I fought for her glory And gave up my life for to make Ireland free"
"Трехцветная лента". Песня о девушке, потерявшей любимого в Пасхальном Восстании 1916-го в Дублине.