Blacken your lungs with the air of the twenty-first century Drink in the plastic debris Profit from the murder of the engine of all living growth Reap in the benefits of slavery
Can you feel it falling apart? Approaching expiry
The end result The final cash out Don’t be afraid, admit intent It was all part of the plan To sanctify our economic system
Dissent in the face of irrefutable scientific evidence Treason committed in the name of faith Blindness promoted through the comforts of deep class divisions Silenced are the voices of periphery
And so it was decreed This age shall bathe in the acid rain
We are the bringers of the end result The profiteers of the final cash out Don’t be afraid, admit intent It was all part of the plan To sanctify our economic system
Clear out the forest for cattle and real estate Disparage indigenous peoples and creatures Rejoice in the filth of the Hell you’ve created As all green and life around you shall wither, blacken, and die