Iam, iam, iam nubes dissolvitur, iam, iam patet galaxia, iam flos ex spina rumpitur, iam, iam oritur maria, iam verum lumen cernitur, iam, iam demo[n]stratur via. Iam pro nobis pia exoret maria ut fruamur gloria. Iam, iam novum sidus oritur. iam, iam patet galaxia. Iam ex judea nascitur, iam, iam oritur maria. Iam nobis celum panditur. Iam det nobis gaudia in celi curia christus, cuius filia et mater est maria.
Now, now, now the clouds dissolve. Now, now the galaxy appears. Now the flower is torn from the thorn. Now of Mary he arises. Now the true light is visible. Now, now the way is shown. Now for us pious Mary prays so that we may enjoy glory. Now, now a new star is born. Now, now the galaxy appears. Now of Judea he is born. Now, now, of Mary he arises. Now heaven reaches (down) to us. Now may he give us rejoicing in the court of heaven -- Christ -- whose daughter and mother you are, Mary.