Um... I saw you this morning... when you were ironing out all the... all the a... y'know... all the stuff that we need, for-for ourselves. And you, you were cleansing it... and I know it's all... y'know it's... all important, y'know. The seam and all, and keeping the lines straight or whatever. Anyway, what I wanted to say... what I wanted to say is...
...don't go any further.
Um... I saw you this morning... when you were ironing out all the... all the a... y'know, all the the stuff that we need, for-for ourselves. And you, you were cleansing it... and I know it's all... y'know it's all... gone... it's all over... yeah, I don't know... yeah, I don't know, I don't know... just don't go any further.
Don't go any further! Don't go any further! Don't go any further! Don't go any further!
Um, I know... I was, um... I was late... later than, later than expected... I mean.... don't go any further... And I know it's all... you know it's all... gone... it's all over with... you know... yeah, I don't know... yeah, I don't know, I don't know...
Don't go any further! Don't go any further! Don't go any further! Don't go any further!
Don't go any further! further! Don't go any further! further! Don't go any further! Don't go any, Don't go any further! Don't go any further!