in the end what really matters? and what has worth and substance? what it this i am supposed to want representing? and why would it ever impress me?
and yet impact runs deep in spite of myself i hate myself like im supposed to
"and so i hate this insufficient shell that covers my soul" and that hate faces inward my own worst enemy
and we all know who the real enemy is
if you are the consumer, and you are the product how can you ever be satisfied?
and so i carry on, unsatisfied? driven by the promise of earned acceptance, earned self worth when really the best motivation is to is to annihilate the promise makes
and hope in this possibility is what will make us whole and fear in this possibility is what will break them down
because i have hated myself more than it is decent for any person to hate because i doubted myself when all you gave me was lies i hated myself when i should have been hating you i destroyed myself when i should have been destroying you
i always want what i dont have i always need what i dont have if you are consumer, and youre the product how can you ever be satisfied?