Why enjoy a life in a world of fantasies Where happiness is a false emotion In every day life of this people More and more they go To the end in darkness Because they are blind And can't see the salvation Waiting you to choice yourself
Because in the cross Christ has won for us all And conducted our life to the light Taking evil out from our hearts And making us try truth in ourselves
Why staying in beautiful ways If in the end your days will be to death Cause the ways of wrath are easy to live met And take mrn far away from God But solution is found Jesus That through his death gave you life The life in heaven in God's side That will show itself in the end of days
Every pain he will put out And every tear in your eyes he will dry And forever we shall live at his side We shall be his own and shall be our God
Because of this forever we shall adore his name
God will bless you, and will free you And will change yourself saving your life, forever!
For those who had accepted God Awarded with the eternal life
Everything is done I'm the alpha and omega, I'm the begining and the end, I'm the fountain of life waters to who has thirst