Predella Avant: Untitled #2 from Self-Titled Sophia: Strength Through Sorrow Allerseelen: Heliges Blut Novo Homo: Theater of War Orplid: Amils Abendgebet Orchis: Anadidmene Oraison: On A Tide of Hope Pilori: Maple Leaf Sturmpercht: I Bin da Woid Anenzephalia: A Tribute to… Skin Area: Choose Art not Life Clint Listing: The Snow Ghost The Merlons of Nehemiah: JOB Stille Volk: Adoumestica una Terro Judgement of Paris: Answer All My Faith Lost: Your Silent Tears The Protagonist: The Hunt Tribe of Circle: Demokratür III/Audacia for Victory Arditi: Palingenesis Von Thronstahl: The Age of Decay and Democracy Kratong: An Outward Spiral