Haus Arafna: Social Automation Rasthof Dachau: Exitus Inner Vision Laboratory: Welcome to the Magnificent World Reutoff: White Dance (Voiceless Version) Lindbergh Baby: Media Boss Espers: Hearts and Daggers Verdandi: The Daughters of Ran Backworld: Little Red Stars Factoria: Mind to Wander Puissance: Resorting to War Unio Mystica: Dance Demons – It’s a Cold World Arditi: Determination Cold Fusion: Blue is the Flag Herbst 9: Erdschleife Kammarheit: The Ruins and the Serene Erdlicht: Morgenröthe II Faun: Wind und Geige Odroerir: Weltenanfang Finisterra: Totus Floreo Death in June: Little Blue Butterfly Seelenlicht: Valhalla Lux Interna: Your Lily White Hands