An ode to the Kindle Paperwhite (lyrics by Cyril Kowaliski)
Oh Paperwhite, my sweetest Paperwhite In softness clad, and black as moonless night Submerged in all thine words, I do thee clutch And thou, to me, feel'st like a lover's touch
My eyes aloft o'er fonts as clean as dew So easy 'tis to lose myself in you Caecilia and Palatino, my dear Did not before look quite so fine and clear
I loved thy sister, trusty Kindle Touch But next to thee, my sweet, she lacks so much Face sunken in and fussy as a bee Could not tell cloth from skin, it saddened me
And when the sun at day's end went to rest The words at once became as dim as west So dark were they, I huddled by the light of bulb, or tube, or candle in the night
One day I laid the words on fine a slate A thing with bigger screen and greater weight Yet soon my eyes grew weary from the glare And seeing the faint reflection of my hair
But thee, O fairest reader of them all Have no such flaws, no penchant to appall When set all day upon thine front-lit face Mine eyes do not fatigue, do not give chase To chapter's end, to hasty epilogues They seek the words like famished pollywogs
And though 'tis true you are not free of kink One glowing edge, one corner tinted pink Your screen, when dimmed to match the light around Is fairer than what printed things abound