-... I guess she got impatient. -What? What is it, what? -Just keep your eyes on that. -Is there a way down? -Er, no. But there's a way out. -What are you doing? Rory, what are you doing? -Rory, stop it. You'll die. -Yeah, twice, in the same building on the same night. Who else could do that? -Just come down, please. -This is the right thing to do. This will work. If I die now, it's a paradox, right? The paradox kills the Angels. Tell me I'm wrong. Go on, please, because I'm really scared. Oh, great. The one time you can't manage it. Amy, I'm going to need a little help here. -Just stop it! RORY: Just think it through. This will work, this will kill the Angels. -It'll kill you too. -Will it? River said that this place would be erased from time, never existed. If this place never existed, what did I fall off? -You think you'll come back to life? -When don't I? -Rory. -And anyway, what else is there? Dying of old age downstairs, never seeing you again? Amy, please. If you love me, then trust me, and push. -I can't. -You have to! -Could you? If it was me, could you do it? -To save you, I'd do anything. -Prove it. -No, I can't take you too. -You said we'd come back to life. Money where your mouth is time. -Amy, look. -Shut up. Together, or not at all. -What the hell are you doing! -Changing the future. It's called marriage. -Amy! Amy! -Doctor! What's happening? -The paradox. It's working! The paradox is working!