This day was going to be perfect now it's turned into a nightmare changeling army doesn't stop at just a petty magic shield
Canterlot is at a war is this the unexpected fall of ponykind, no we will fight we will not yield!
Chrysalis she is feeding off our love we don't want her to be our new queen Chrysalis she has got our hooves all bound if only we could find a way to flee
The elements of harmony have failed to take down Chrysalis now whatever shall we do to save our land
Where the hay is Princess Luna everypony's trusted ruler we need help, we must try everything we can
Cadence pleads for Shining Armor but he doesn't have the power to take out the nearly endless changeling fleet
Her love will give him strength it's like the seventh element the changeling army's gone again and we're all free
Chrysalis the couple won her with their love she is scared to ever step back here Chrysalis the changeling army is now gone pony race will be forever free