i. 432 Hz sine wave ii. coil - 7-methoxy-carboline /telepathine/ iii. alessandro cortini - passatempo iv. trepaneringsritualen - black heaven / white hell v. puce mary - the viewer vi. ron morelli - alone on the beach vii. covered in sand - orapa /an interview/ viii. lussuria - angelshare ix. esplendor geometrico - trafica x. talker - meniscus xi. monica hits the ground - blew a nice head completely off xii. burma camp - isa xiii. alberich - Inspekteure und befehle xiv. miles - queuing xv. pete swanson - a&ox0 xvi. bus de la lum - luce degli animali xvii. coil - 5-methoxy-n,n-dimethyl (5-me0-DMT) xviii. 432 Hz sine wave