Rest assure there will be more Onslaughts off days More to endure Outside ain't getting easier Live a long time To look back on before
Take me back, take me back...
To when I had both eyes on the floor Looking up, before Before the forlorn
So easy you're led astray So easy your minds change Like a weather vane All day Live your whole life ashamed No wonder your edges frayed Afraid
Send the rest ashore So we all can explore As yet I've found nothing But I know there's more
Take me back, take me back...
Go easy on Go easier on Easy on
Finally I found you It's not getting any easier Far away from everything and everyone It's not getting any easier The final straw came when in the end it didn't get Didn't get easier Finally I found you It's not getting any easier I'll cry over it not getting any easier Finally you're here And it's not getting any easier The final straw came when I found that It's not getting easier