10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-Zero Whoopee! Maniacally: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha…
Love that bomb (Yea, yea) I got a strange love for that bomb (Yea, yea) Not the tiny toy from Word War I This one is a million times more fun
Love that bomb (Yea, yea) I got a strange love for that bomb (Yea, yea) Not the burst of joy from World War II This will keep you laughing your whole life through
Strange love, strange love I got a strange love for that bomb
Love that bomb What a sweet sensation Just push the little button, For complete annihilation! (La la la la la la la la, La la la la la)
Love that bomb (Yea, yea) I got a strange love for that bomb (Yea, yea) I can hardly wait ‘til World War III Here's the way we think it's gonna be… (Sinister laughter)