So many hundreds of years ago a king was killed in a battle Even his son was wounded to death, the only heir to the throne The queen to save the life of the prince brought him to the dragon's lair The dragon gave him a half of his heart, so he returned to life
[chorus] Knight and the dragon together will fight against the king of the evil He has corrupted the old dragon's heart, and he will pay with his blood Knight and the dragon together will fight, tryin' to put down the tyrant They are the last hope for this land to live To live in freedom again
But growing up the new king betrayed what he did swear to the dragon Evil and liar he became a tyrant, killing and raping for joy The knight who was his master of sword, one day did meet the old dragon And with a priest and a girl on their side, they did begin the rebellion
[chorus ]
[The Ancient Code:] A knight is sworn to Valour, is heart only knows the Virtue His sword defends the oppressed ones and serves the Truth
The final battle is now taking place, there's only one way to win To save the day, to kill the king, even the dragon must die Great is the pain in the heart of the knight, striking the deadly blow Draco and the king together they die, but the last dragon still smiles