Non sofre Santa María de seeren perdidosos os que as sas romarías| son de fazer desejosos.
E dest' oíd' un miragre de que vos quéro falar, que mostrou Santa María, per com' éu oí contar, 5 a ũus roméus que foron a Rocamador orar como mui bõos crischãos, simplement' e omildosos.
Non sofre Santa María de seeren perdidosos...
E pois entraron no burgo, foron pousada fillar e mandaron comprar carne e pan pera séu jantar e vinno; e entre tanto foron aa Virgen rogar
que a séu Fillo rogasse dos séus rógos pïadosos
Non sofre Santa María | de seeren perdidosos...
Por eles e non catasse de como foran errar, mais que del perdôn ouvéssen de quanto foran pecar. E pois est' ouvéron feito, tornaron non de vagar u o séu jantar tiínnan, ond' éran cobiiçosos.
Non sofre Santa María de seeren perdidosos...
mandaran nóve póstas meter, asse Déus m' ampar, na ola, ca tantos éran; mais poi-las foron tirar, acharon end' ũa menos, que a serventa furtar lles fora, e foron todos porên ja quanto queixosos.
Non sofre Santa María | de seeren perdidosos...
E buscaron pela casa pola poderen achar, chamando Santa María que lla quisésse mostrar; e oíron en ũ' arca a pósta feridas dar, e d' ir alá mui correndo non vos foron vagarosos.
Non sofre Santa María | de seeren perdidosos...
E fezéron lóg' a arca abrir e dentro catar foron, e viron sa pósta dacá e dalá saltar saíron aa rúa muitas das gentes chamar, que viron aquel miragre, que foi dos maravillosos
Non sofre Santa María de seeren perdidosos...
Que a Virgen grorïosa fezéss' en aquel logar. Des i fillaron a pósta e fôrona pendorar per ũa córda de seda ant' o séu santo altar, loando Santa María, que faz miragres fremosos.
How Holy Mary caused a chop of meat to be found which was stolen from some pilgrims in the city of Rocamadour.
\"Holy Mary will not allow those who are desirous of making Her pilgrimage to suffer loss.\"
Concerning this, hear now a miracle which I wish to tell for you as I heard it told, which Holy Mary performed for some pilgrims who went to Rocamadour to pray, simply and humbly as do many good Christians.
After they entered the city, they went to take lodgings and ordered meat, bread, and wine bought for their supper. In the meantime, they went to pray to the Virgin to beseech Her Son with Her compassionate prayers on their behalf that He look not to how they had erred but that they might have His pardon for all their sins. When they had done this, they hastened to return to where they had their supper, for which they were very eager.
They had ordered nine chops to be put into the pot, as God is my witness, for they were of that number. However, when they pulled them out, they found one fewer, for the servant girl had robbed them, and they were all very annoyed about it.
They searched for it throughout the house, calling on Holy Mary to reveal it to them. They heard the chop striking the sides of a chest and went running over to it, and they were not slow about it, you may be sure.
They had the chest opened at once and looked inside, and they saw their chop jumping from side to side. They ran out into the streets to call in many of the people, who saw that miracle, which was one of the most marvelous the Virgin ever performed in that place. Then they took the chop and hung it by a silken cord before Her holy altar, praising Holy Mary, who performs beautiful miracles.