君が触れた薔薇は The roses you touched その姿に羞恥を知り Would probably blankly wither 虚しく枯れ逝くだろう because they know what is Shyness 私の最高傑作 愛しい娘よ This is your masterpiece My Adorable Lady
ベルベットのドレス纏い Wearing a velvet gown 高貴なる微笑 闇の城の中 Releasing a regal smile In the Castle of Darkness 白い肌を潤す血が The white skin made pink by blood 夢と現実の狭間へと誘うの Luring you to the Border between Reality and Dream
神の狭き門などいらない I don't need the narrow door of Gods 欲しいのは怪しく輝く少女 I just want the mysterious shining maiden 殺戮の女神となって Turning to the Goddess of Kill 私は奴隷に堕ちるだろう I wish to be her slave
ねぇ 玩具の首が転がって行くよ Hey The skull of the toy is going to bent 暗い階段を大きく跳ねる Trotting through the stairs in great leaps 全てパパが教えてくれた All of them, my dad told me about them どう抉るのかも How can I remove 悦び詠うのかも How can I sing merrily?
あぁ 狂気の恋が満ちて行くよ Ah The Madness of Love is going to spill 正しい物など何も無い世界 A world without "right" or "wrong" 全ては私が与えた All of them, I made them all up どう抉るのかも How can I remove 悦び詠うのかも How can I sing merrily?
遠い意識の中にある In a far consciousness 蒼い空と優しく吹く風と Is the warming breeze and the deep blue sky 眩しい光の咲く庭 The blinding sunlight shining into the garden 涙が頬伝い零れる Tears flowing across the cheek これは何? Why is it?
何も考え無くていいから You don't have to worry about anything 君は只、思う侭に振舞え It's okay acting to your heart 何時か罪だと気がつけば If someday you feel that you sin 狂い動けなく成るだろう? Can you still act in this mad manner?
ねぇ 漆黒のベールが部屋に満ち Hey the Dark Tent covered the room