Que muyto meu pago d´este verao por estes rramos e por estas flores, e polas aves que cantan d´amores, por que ando hy led´e sen cuydado; e assy faz tod´omen namorado; sempre y anda led´e muy louçao Cand´er passo per alguas rribeiras, so boas arvores, per boos prados, se cantan hy passaros namorados log´eu con amores vou trobando, e log´aly d´amores hy vou cantando, e faço cantares en mol maneyras
How very much I love this summer, Its flowers, trees and sky above, and all the birds that sing of love because I fell at peace and happy and even handsome - that´s what happens whenever anyone loves another When I walk on certain shores, under branches and trough pastures, If I hear birds sing with passion then with love and all my heart and all I know of troubadour art I make up songs of every sort