time thAt beheADs the leAves goes further towArDs the other eND of eArth NocturNAl Arrows implore the joyful DAy leAve the bitter tAste of sileNce AND fAce the storm fight iN DefeNce of your secret hours AN obscure metAls’ riNg eNcircles your loNely street the rAiN is the eterNAl frieND of your fAce smile iN the circus of the iNfiNite curtAiN where shADows breAk up At the rhythm of timbAls At Dusk the horizoN grows up lively with DANciNg pAle figures their heArt is tAttooeD with esseNces AND frAgrANces everythiNg coNsumes AND fAlls DowN wrAppeD by ruiNs weAriNg mourNiNg it’s up to you to surprise your DestiNy to mock the fuNereAl by breAthiNg the ecstAsy of the cobAlt blue Dust to let your plAsmA beAt with DiviNe AND iNcreDible force to be