I beloNg to AN erA where he who meDitAtes is forceD to weAkeN his time where he who sticks to ANcieNt promises siNks AND briNgs with him his esseNces, his oDors AND his humble iNteNtioNs I’m grippeD iN my Desire, I’m stoppeD by my hiNDrANce I’m lookiNg for vitAl spAce but I imploDe oppresseD by my morAl loAD I stAy iN A plAce I beloNg to A time, I struggle AgAiNst AN ethics thAt DoesN’t AppertAiN to me. I oppose, but I see my eNemy DArkeNeD my Accomplice pAtieNtly wAitiNg for light’s ArrivAl, I fill myself with iNterNAl force, stuDyiNg the wiNNiNg strAtegy it hAs come, I brAcket it he’s strANge, I see him I observe him, I feel him he goes AheAD AND tAkes possessioN of his feAtures, I feel him, I see him oDDly kNowN, pAiNfully kNowN, trAgicAlly iDeNticAl. I imploDe while I’m blockiNg my blooD the bitter Accomplice tAkes me bAck, I cANNot bAr I cANNot refute it before hAviNg uNDerstooD why I must live to fight my uNcompromisiNg iNstiNct I beloNg to AN erA where the eNemy is Not AlwAys out of me.