Tom: I feel evil, Haunted, controlled, possessed and everything i'm doing is illegal i know call it a Christmas upheaval Press Charges on my alter ego I do no sing along to your stupid songs Silent Night take a hike Jingle bells go to hell i'm just like a poisonous snake Over flowed with hate(?) Make no mistake There is no escape I will Haunt this place Make a mess of your face and what's left of you There will be no trace (Chorus) It's a Christmas Demolition x2 Matt: I know your not a christmas Fanatic But your beign PROBLEMATIC and slightly Dramatic Edd: You blew up the reindeer You act like a Punk every time you get Drunk we put up with this Junk Santa: Word on the street is i'm loosing my Funk My cool, my Flow My HO HO HO we can't let you steal the Show