(The troll-courtiers):: Slagt ham! Kristenmands søn har dåret Dovregubbens veneste mø! Slagt ham! Slagt ham! (a troll-imp): Må jeg skjære ham i fingeren? (another troll-imp): Må jeg rive ham i håret? (a troll-maiden): Hu, hej, lad mig bide ham i låret! (a troll-witch with a ladle): Skal han lages til sod og sø? (another troll-witch, with a butcher knife): Skal han steges på spid eller brunes i gryde? (the Mountain King): Isvand i blodet!
Slay him! The Christian's son has bewitched The Mountain King's fairest daughter! Slay him! Slay him! May I hack him on the fingers? May I tug him by the hair? Hu, hey, let me bite him in the haunches! Shall he be boiled into broth and bree to me Shall he roast on a spit or be browned in a stewpan? Ice to your blood, friends!