The town lies under mist I am up on my mountain in my black garden squeezed in between the heavens in the enclave of my choice where I am hiding in Nagorny Karabakh
Once deep forests mountain chains, maybe ice a brass-yellow sun perpetrates a paradise my sys- or diastole and between them the moment borne by the birds about their business here in the enclave of my heart where I lose myself in Nagorny Karabakh
I climb down the mountain enter one or another valley flying flags of every colour in Mount Karabakh
Two large black ravens devouring the plums in the tree I wonder if the other city cares for me… In the enclave of my choice where I am hiding in Nagorny Karabakh
Come and pay me a visit I have unlimited time and the view is most lovely over the clouds and the town in Nagorny Karabakh Nagorny Karabakh Nagorny Karabakh