[tsar to kaiser] I appeal to you to help me. An ignoble war has been declared very soon I shall be overwhelmed forced to take extreme measures such a calamity European war I beg you to do what you can stop your allies from going too far. Nicky
[kaiser to tsar (this and the previous telegraph crossed.)] The spirit still dominates the country that led them to murder their own king. dastardly murder deserved punishmwent. In this case politics plays no part at all. Your very sincere and devoted friend and cousin Willy
[kaiser to tsar] I cannot consider Austria's action an »ignoble« war. it would be quite possible for Russia to remain a spectator of the conflict without involving Europe in the most horrible war. military measures would jeopardize my position as mediator which I readily accepted on your appeal to my friendship and my help. Willy
[tsar to kaiser (this and the previous telegraph crossed.)] Thanks for your telegram conciliatory and friendly. the official message by your ambassador is in a very different tone. Beg you to explain this divergency! It would be right to give the problem to the Hague-conference.
Trust in your wisdom and friendship. Your loving Nicky
[tsar to kaiser] Military measures for reasons of defence I hope that they won’t interfere with your part as mediator We need your pressure on Austria to come to an understanding Nicky
[kaiser to tsar (this and the previous telegraph crossed.)] If Russia mobilises, my role as mediator is ruined. The weight of the decision lies on your shoulders now who have to bear the responsibility for Peace or War. Willy
[kaiser to tsar] In my endeavours to maintain the peace I have gone to the utmost limit. responsibility for the disaster will not be laid at my door. The peace of Europe may be maintained If Russia stops the military measures My friendship for you and your empire has always been sacred to me Willy
[tsar to kaiser (this and the previous telegraph crossed.)] to stop our military preparations is technically impossible. no provocative actions negociations take place I give you my solemn word for this. We are far from wishing war.
Your affectionate Nicky
[tsar to kaiser] I wish to have the guarantee from you that these measures do not mean war we shall continue negociating for the benefit of our countries universal peace dear to our hearts. Our long proved friendship must succeed in avoiding bloodshed Nicky
[kaiser to tsar] I pointed out to you the way by which war may be avoided. I requested an answer for noon today, no telegram has reached me yet. I therefore have to mobilise my army. Willy