والموج يجيبك ويوديك وانت ما تتخذ قرار وانا أنتظرك تتحرك وانت ساكن مثل الحجر استنيت..استنيت ولا انت داري بحالي واللوم..واللوم ياكل من عقلي
والغاز تغلّى و تخصخص وانت ما عندك خبر والقدس اتحرّر و اتطهّر وانت بعدك تعبد بالنار أنا في واد وانت في واد والسّد اللي بيني و بينك عالي واللوم.....
And the wave brings you and returns you, and you do not make a decision And I am waiting for you to move, and you are frozen like a stone I waited... I waited, and you know nothing about my situation now And the blame... and the blame eat from my mind
And the gas prices raised and was privatized, and you have no idea Jerusalem [Al-Quds] was liberated and purified, and you still worship fire I am in a valley and you are in a valley, and the dam between you and me is high And the blame...