Scatta - Road to East Scatta - Hubert Daviz - O Alta Idea (TBRCK Rmx - Scatta edit) The Heights - Kelela / Something Else Abjo - Mark Morrison / Return of the Mark (Abjo dmx) Mr Carmack - Ugh K-Wash - Your Love (unreleased) Khadisma - Coconutsugar Singularis - Real One Whereisalex - What's it gonna be Neguim - The Weekend / Gone (Neguim dmx) Lege Kale x crtmusic - Waiting Don Mayor - I.D.W.B. Falcons - Alicia Keys / Feelin me feelin u (falconx rmx) High Klassified - Javier Mena / Otra Era (High Klassified rmx)