Tim: I'm from Oregon. It's right above California. It's on the West Coast of America.
Jeff: So the State of Oregon.
Tim: It's on the West Coast between California and Washington.
Jeff: So you're neighbor states, say California in the south, do you guys get along? Are you good neighbors?
Tim: Well, we get along a little bit with Northern California. They have similar thinking. But Souther California, they kind of have different thinking. They think a bit more about money. And also, they are moving a lot up into Oregon, and they have different thinking and they are moving into Oregon and they are kind of changing things.
Jeff: So do you get a lot.... are you patriotic towards your own state of Oregon?
Tim: A little bit. We just like to keep things the way they are just a little bit. Californians move up because they can sell their homes in California for a lot of money. They move up there and then they tend to be more conservative.
Jeff: So, if I was to meet you and call you a Californian, would you get mad at me?
Tim: I wouldn't get mad at you, no. I would think that he must think I was from Northern California.
Jeff: So do the Californians feel the same way about the people from Oregon? Is that a mutual emotion to dislike the Oregon people as well?
Tim: I don't think so because there's been a lot of them moving up. You know they move up there to retire and they move their kids up there, so I think they life Oregon and Oregonians tend to be pretty friendly.
Jeff: And how about the North, your northern neighbor? Washington?
Tim: Washington and Oregon are pretty similar as far a culturally.
Jeff: So if I call you a Washington - if I say your are from Washington you don't mind as much as being called Californian?