Keby bolo niečo, čo sa Ti dá zniesť, okrem neba nado mnou a miliónov hviezd, tak by som to zniesol vždy, znova a rád k Tvojim nohám dobré veci ako vodopád.
Keby som mal kráčať sám a zranený, šiel by som až tam, kde Tvoja duša pramení. Keby som ten prameň našiel náhodou, bola by to voda, čo ma drží nad vodou.
Môžeš zabudnúť stačí kým tu si, iba ďalej buď, nič viac nemusíš!
Chcem sa z Teba napiť, šaty odhoď preč, čo má byť sa stane, tak cez moje dlane ako čistý prameň teč.
Ak Ťa ešte trápi smútok z rozchodov, ono sa to poddá, Ty si predsa voda, čo ma drží nad vodou!
Keby bolo niečo čo sa Ti dá zniesť, okrem neba nado mnou a miliónov hviezd, tak by som to zniesol vždy, znova a rád k Tvojim nohám dobré veci ako vodopád.
Chcem sa z Teba napiť, šaty odhoď preč, čo má byť sa stane, tak cez moje dlane, ako čistý prameň teč.
Ak Ťa ešte trápi smútok z rozchodov, ono sa to poddá, Ty si predsa voda, čo ma drží nad vodou!
Chcem sa z Teba napiť, šaty odhoď preč, čo má byť sa stane, tak cez moje dlane ako čistý prameň teč.
Ak Ťa ešte trápi smútok z rozchodov, ono sa to poddá, Ty si predsa voda, čo ma drží nad vodou!
If there was something what could be taken down for you except the sky over me and millions of stars So I would take it down Always again and gladly next to your legs good things like a waterfall
If I was supposed to walk alone and injured I would go there where your soul rises If I found that source by chance it would be the water that keeps me over water
You can forget, it's enough if you're here Just exist on, you don't have to do more
I wanna drink from you Throw your dress away What is supposed to happen will happen so through my hands flow like a clear stream
If the sadness of gauges still harasses you it will give in, you are the water anyway that keeps me over water If there was something what could be taken down for you except the sky over me and millions of stars So I would take it down Always again and gladly next to your legs good things like a waterfall
I wanna drink from you Throw your dress away What is supposed to happen will happen so through my hands flow like a clear stream
If the sadness of gauges still harasses you it will give in, you are the water anyway that keeps me over water
I wanna drink from you Throw your dress away What is supposed to happen will happen so through my hands flow like a clear stream
If the sadness of gauges still harasses you it will give in, you are the water anyway that keeps me over water!! I wanna drink from you,