Every once in a while I think I'm lying Take it to the bank; I believe every word I say Then again this is when you start your prying But there's a thought it could be true But this just isn't how I imagined it would be
With these random people just asking the most personal things And to think that somehow I could always come clean And you shake your head just like you know what I mean
You're a Christian tell the sinner to find repentance it's your last chance You believer where's your patience? Answer questions put on faces What about God? For you and for me, what about God? All have fallen short.
(To see if it's right or wrong to listen to this song, I don't want you too) (And see if you're okay with all the words I say; it can't be this way) Somehow, someone's more equal than others Depending on the words we choose to say
A glance at her too long tonight But everything I am saying's right in your ears We are all the sisters and the brothers Until we find we don't believe the same
Gary's getting drunk to forget Sarah Sarah's stealing money from her parents Aaron's lying straight to Jon about Megan and the things that went on Jessica's a gossip, Laura is a slut Derrick hits Bridget, Ben deals drugs Seth spends all his money gambling Joey stopped praying
It is all the same thing
We are all the same people With sinning hearts that make us equal Here is my hand, not words said desperately It is not our job to make anyone believe