Unkempt by the wind By yon cherry tree With pearl-spangled hair I wait for Lee
My love is an oak Whose languorous limbs Explore my shadows Dulled by the whirl
My vigil is low My vigil is low My vigil is low…
Down by the old wolf gate Grave eyes set wide Clad in an astrakhan frock coat For me Lee bide
My love has all charms Penned in books which quoth Of “Real Courtesy, Allegiance, solemn oath”
My vigil is low My vigil is low My vigil is low…
From the casement hark The water trickle Bleaching the skies So earth can rekindle
Nestle unto me Your breath do fade Your warmth my voice remade Unto your breast I sigh
Forever will I be night Forever will I be night Forever will I be night… Unkempt by the wind By yon cherry tree With pearl-spangled hair I wait for Lee