Teach me the tongue of fire So that I may set the world ablaze for it is cold And this blindness can no longer give me shelter Teach me the tongue of fire So that I may cry out loud my wrath and my passion Or else my coil will blister and decay
The soul is never silent But wordless Held imprisoned In a cursed tomb Wherein reflections never fade never die Slowly maddened By the emptiness
Left to perish in the ever-dark coil Yet, always alert it its slumber Scorn by the drops of light Piercing through the surface And it screams
The soul is never silent But wordless
Teach me the tongue of fire So that I may set the world ablaze for it is cold And this blindness can no longer give me shelter Teach me the tongue of fire So that I may cry out loud my wrath and my passion Or else my coil will blister and decay